Saturday, 26 July 2008

BadAss RSS Software

How to get a Top 10 listing in Google ? That really is the $64,000 question, although in my case it's a $36,000 question, which is the amount of sales I've generated online since figuring our how to get my listings on the first page of Google results.

How do I do it ? RSS. Yes,
Really Simple Syndication translates into Really Simple Sales for me and since I started using RSS in my marketing, my results have taken off.

Missed the preview video? Here's another chance to watch it:

I only started online marketing in March 08 and in that time I've got to an average daily income of over $700 and a best ever day of $1386.88, all thanks to the power of RSS and the BadAss RSS System

It really is a beautifully simple system.

Create an information source (website, blog, hubsite), pull the RSS feeds of these sites (Yes, feeds, as in more than one - BadAss RSS shows you how to pull 4 feeds of a blog) and run these through the software.

The BadAss RSS Software goes out and quietly posts your feeds to 20 of the top RSS Aggregators on the net, creating tons of back-links for your sites and generating traffic for you to monetize.
Results are virtually instant. I've had feeds listed on the front page of Google results in less than a day. And not for some obscure search term. Front page search results from over 5,000,000 competing websites. Score or what ???

The BadAss RSS system is also a great way to test a niche. Choose your niche, research your keywords and run the software. If your get good results then you know you can dominate the niche. Absolute lock and all without spending a cent on domain names, hosting, websites etc. Real time and money saver.

I know, it sounds too good to be true. Well have a look at the BadAss RSS video and maybe it will change your mind.

I'm still working on optimizing my main websites and eventually, they WILL make it onto the front page of search results for my chosen niches.

While I wait for that to happen though, I quite enjoy the income I'm making from the BadAss RSS Software. Can you really blame me? $700 a day is a nice little result to get and the beauty of it is that it's recurring income. Once my feed sources are out there and I do some update maintenance, the income keeps coming in.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

How to turn your Blog RSS into Sales

Blogs and RSS. A great way to rank higher in the search engines for your given search terms, gain powerful back links to your sites and get more traffic from the search engines. An RSS feed basically shares the content of your blog in a simple, easy format. Hence the term RSS = Really Simple Syndication.

RSS Feeds are a great way to get exposure for your sites. Using an RSS feed check can tell you if your targeted keywords will be profitable in your chosen niche. Don't know how to check your niche? Watch a real life example below:

There is another defintion for RSS
Rich Site Summary, which is probably a lot more technical sounding, but being a simple kind of guy, I like the Really Simple bit.

So how does RSS work? Well you publish information in a suitable format creating an information channel - the actual RSS content. Anybody who chooses to receive your information feed, subscribes to your RSS feed and every time you update your information (your blog in this case), the information feed updated, so the person subscribing to your RSS feed gets updated information.

RSS aggregators are even more powerful, in that that take RSS feeds and share them even further. Adding an RSS feed to an aggregator could see your feed getting blasted out to 20, 30 0r more feed sites. The effect that can have on your traffic can be huge.

RSS aggregator sites also get indexed regularly by the search engines, so when they see your feed, they follow that and eventually get back to your site. BACKLINK, and a high quality back link at that.

Because RSS feed aggregators are indexed so regularly, getting some good search engine results is not too difficult to do. Build a blog around your chosen keyword, pull the RSS feeds off your Blog (yes,
FEEDS as in more than one - every Blog you build has more then 1 RSS feed, in fact it's 4 feeds per blog) and run these feeds through feed aggregators and you could well end up with a top 10 listing in Google for the chosen keyword.

Important to note that the listing will be for your RSS feed NOT your blog or site. But, it's a top 10 listing for YOUR content on YOUR chosen keyword, so not too shabby at all...

RSS feeds are going to be more and more important in the new Web 2.0 environment. Gone are the days of static sites hogging front page search results. Nowadays it's all about dynamic content and how regularly that content updates.

When it comes to updating content, it doesn't get much simpler then RSS - remember my preferred definition for the RSS acronym
Really Simple Syndication.

So now you've got your feed, how to syndicate and aggregate ?

Well the easiest way is to automate the whole process. Sure, you can log into a whole load of aggregator accounts and list your feeds, but that takes a LOT of time.

Much simpler solution is to use an Automated Feed Submitter. This great piece of software allows you to add your feeds and get them blasted out automatically to the top aggregators. It's not uncommon to have results indexed the same day you post your feeds, so it's a real time saver and gets great results.

Check it out and make sure to watch the tutorial video.