Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Think of me kindly...

Everybody who signed up for my Brute Force subscriber list - CONGRATULATIONS

Anybody who didn't - you missed a good one. Looks like it's too late.

Brute Force SEO is set to launch over the next few days. The software is amazing and the results are out of this world.

Take a look at the screen captures of some stats. This is a brand new domain, in a very competitive niche. I did a test run for this site using the Brute Force SEO on the 13th September - the results speak for themselves.

No other promotion. Just a SINGLE run on the Brute.

Not bad for a brand new domain in a very competitive niche. This test was done for a very broad search term "make money". Imagine if I'd chosen an easier keyword ?

Not my style that though. If I'm going to test, I test till it falls apart.

408 visits, 731 page views, 1556 hits. All in the space of 4 days (well 4 and a bit) and all with just one run of the Brute Force software.

I did say it was going to be good didn't I.

So those of you who made it onto the list "Think of me kindly..."

Those who didn't - Try to subscribe to the list again. If it works - it works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am "thinking of you kindly" I got a fortune cookie today that said "you will find an unexpected source of help" and I think that you Andrew might just be that person. Kind regards